Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 6

Week 6

In week six our teams reassembled and conducted a review of each team members final three concepts. Their goal was to pick three final directions to present back to the individuals they interviewed in the research phase. This exercise enables our students to work with potential users to get a better understanding of which direction would be optimal. Many times in this phase we begin to see that not one single concept should be the final direction but rather a hybrid of two or all three. Also during this segment, students refined their presentation material to enable their participants intuitively interpret their concepts.

To determine the final three concepts, students used several methods of ranking as well as discussions and debate.This process can be very tedious and has the potential to hurt feelings. In selecting the final three concepts our designers had to have thick skin and put user needs in front of personal bias. While things could have gotten nasty during this process, it seemed all was well in the land of e-bike design…….I think.

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